Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lydia the tank engine?

Morgan has been saying a lot of funny things lately, so here is another Morgan quote post.

One day, Morgan nonchalantly brought up the subject of love and timeouts. He told me, "People that love everyone, don't give other people time-outs." Oh really? I guess I missed that memo. Actually, I tried to tell him that I gave him time-outs because I love him, and I want him to learn to always be a good boy. Yeah, that really didn't fly for him.

Morgan loves trains. The other day we were driving near the train track, and we heard a train whistle. He was very excited about it. Then he said, "I wish Lydia was a train."

Today at church, an older gentleman was complimenting Morgan on his suit. He said, "You're a good looking young man."
Morgan replied. "You're old."
I guess we need to work on our manners.

Morgan likes to say "Yes sir-ree." But he also knows that a man is sir, and a woman is ma'am. So when he talks to me he says, "Yes ma'am-a-ree." Say that out loud. Or don't.

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