Sunday, October 18, 2009

Future Glimpse

The book that I've been working on getting published, Glimpse, has been changed to Future Glimpse. Why, you ask? Um, because there can't be two books published with the same title and Glimpse was already taken. Meaning, I'm getting published!
This all happened so fast. Yesterday I got a call from the publisher at Media Works Publishing. Today my book is already up on Amazon for purchase!

I spent a couple hours last night getting the manuscript correctly formatted, writing the acknowledgments, dedication, biography, and a rough draft of the back description. It will most likely be printed and ready on Thursday, then on Tuesday the next week, I should have my authors copy!

Here's the cover.
I guess it really is all in who you know though, because I know the publishers from an old ward. So, they're kinda doing this as a favor to me. I sure hope they don't regret it! Thanks Erin and Sean!

I'm excited!


A*Waite said...

Congrats!! That is great!!

Martha said...

Wow! Congratulations!!!

Bobbi said...

How exciting! Congrats!

Megan said...

Awesome! Way to go!

jwilson said...

So proud of you!

Chanelson said...

YAYYAYYAY! This is way stinkin' awesome and exciting. I'm ordering my copy now!

Shelly said...

This is awesome! I can't wait to get one!

Kevin Nelson said...

That is so way cool... Let's let the families start buying and then eventually get it to the tipping point where it goes viral and then someone gives you a movie offer. Arielle can produce the movie (but we'll need someone with money to fund it). Love Dad N

Sara said...

That is so cool! Congratulations! I'm totally gonna read it!