Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Morgan logic

It's been too long since I've done a Morgan quote blog post, and I'm afraid I'll have forgotten too many. I put a lot on facebook, so I can look back on my wall a little to find some, but there are so many I don't write down. Shame on me!

Yesterday, Morgan and I were speaking about eternal families, and great-grandparents, and how big our family was. Morgan said something about how, "And we get to be with all our ancestors." I was surprised, because I had no idea he knew the word and application of ancestor. I agreed with him, and told him he was right. Then he said, "Yeah, our and-sisters and our and-brothers." HAHA!

Driving in the car yesterday, Christmas music was softly playing, but it was otherwise quiet. However, when I am in the car with Morgan, I usually have to almost yell before he can clearly hear me. I was thinking about something I did/said a few days before, that I found embarrassing. Outloud, I laughed and said, "I'm so stupid." Morgan perked up, "You are?" I said, "yeah," and he said, "Then why are you laughing?" Good point....
A few nights ago when Morgan and I were disagreeing about bedtime, in frustration he said, "I wish I was your dad!" And now that is something he often says when he doesn't like my rules. 
After Morgan sneezed in my face, I gave him a little lecture about covering his mouth. His response? "I would have dodged."
It's so fun to see the world through Morgan's eyes. I just love him. 

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