Sunday, November 2, 2008

Dear Journal

We will now recommence with our regularly scheduled Sunday blog postings.
Names have been changed to protect the poor souls who made it into my journal. Oh, and myself, just in case anyone knows the people I talk about. :) Except the missionaries. They are just who they are.

September 19, 2001
"Dear Journal, Elder Sondrup is soo cute. I can’t bear it. He as in my dream last night. ☺"
And that's how I started my conversations and everything. :) He's so darned unbearable!!

Okay, so here I was at a mutual activity. Elder Sondrup showed up with another fellow, (not his normal companion,) and the girls admired.
"When he arrived Courtney was saying how hot he was. Becky agreed and said something about a lot of them lately being cute. I said, 'Yeah, like the last 5.' Maybe it was more. Then I told her that he was at my house a lot. ☺ She said she was jealous. I would be too. But now Becky Jones is jealous of me. Melanie Martin. Wow."
Seriously, I really don't think I sparked much jealousy in anyone during my teens. Or anytime else for that matter. :)

Sept. 24, 2001
Ah, Chris, my bro, was going on his mission to Australia. So bunches of people came from Utah for his farewell, (this was when we still had them.) He had many buddies come up, most of which I thought were cute. My folks have a huge lawn and since aunts and uncles were all sleeping inside, us younger folks just drug our sleeping bags out to the lawn somewhere. Chris and his group where in one corner, and my cousins and I were in the middle.
"We talked and threw crab apples at all of the boys. It was silly and juvenile, but that’s what makes it fun." Ah yes, maybe this crab apple will make him like me!

Then I wrote about the actual farewell at church.
"Mom spoke first. She didn’t cry though…Chris talked next. He did good and didn’t even sound nervous. Mom didn’t cry then either." I just think it's funny that it's noteworthy when my mom DOESN'T cry. Haha!

Oct. 15, 2001
Now it was my turn to speak in church. My talk was on missionary work. Jason, (younger brother) who was a Teacher at the time was an usher and sat by one of the doors. The elders sat on the back side bench right by Jason.
"Jason said that a couple of times during my talk, elder Anderson would say something to elder Sondrup, and they would both laugh. Sad. They probably thought I was a hypocrite up there."
Oh the insecurity!

Same entry, entirely different subject.
"I think James Welch was in my dream last night. I don’t remember it but I woke up really liking him. I always really like him, but this was how I like him after he talks to me or something. I don’t know why I like him so much. I’ve mentioned that before. He has some of the nicest eyes imaginable. I think. Ooh, I like him. He took Annie Davis to home coming." And if he took Annie Davis to Homecoming, that means he DIDN'T take me. Of course, I never thought that would ever be a possibility. *Sigh*


kura2025 said...
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kura2025 said...

Oh kindred spirit...that journal entry could have been taken right from mine...if I hadn't burned them :)