The poster reads thus: (I will italicize the words that are candy.)
Dear Mr. Goodbar, (Aaron)
It would be Outrageous (a doctored Nutrageous) if you would Be My Valentine. I know I'm a Lemonhead and create many a Rocky Road for you to Rolover, but you're my Big Hunk! I don't care that you're a Nerd and don't bring home 100 Grand on Payday. You're my Idaho Stud (I taped a t where the p was) and always make me Snicker. And I know that when I'm a Butterfinger you'll be there as my Lifesaver. You are Too Cool (the heart box of chocolates said too cool) and I really Skor-ed big with you. I'll love you Now and Later, your Runt, Melanie.
I'm pretty sure that I liked it better than anyone else, but that's okay. Oh, and when I was at the store buying the candy, I had to get chewy runts, because they are a favorite of Aaron's, but I had a terrible hard time figuring out where to put it in. Eventually, I called myself his Runt, which I know is incredibly silly. Oh well.
Also, the Be My Valentine thing was a box of Little Debbie's snack cakes. It ended up being to big to fit it nicely on the poster, not to mention too heavy, so I cut out the words and taped the cakes to the Happy Valentines Day sign. :)
wow that is pretty cool! Men are dumb sometimes and don't realize that if they showed how thrilled they were that we wouldn't think them less of a man... so they downplay their reactions. I'm sure Aaron was very excited to see that when he opened the garage!
That's a way cute idea! I got Reid tires for Valentines day and he got me a vacuum! Both things that we desperately needed, just not a bit romantic!
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