Saturday, May 31, 2008


The other day my sister was telling me how smart her daughter was when she was younger and how many words she knew at 18 months. So it made me curious. How many words does Morgan know? Using the internet we looked up the amount of words an 18 month normally knows. It was 20. And the child should know 50 by the second year. Morgan is 19 months and after making a list yesterday I counted 100 words that Morgan knows. 100! I kept remembering more that I didn't add to the list, so I bet there are still more that I don't remember. His first phrase was "I want one please, Mommy." So polite. It sounded more like, "I wa-one peas, mimi."
Anyway, thought I would brag a bit.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

hey, listen... Morgan is older than Anna was when I made that list. And I thought of others afterward too....

That being said, Morgan has a remarkable vocabulary, especially for being a boy. He may be as smart as Anna is one day. (give it five or six years.)

Okay, lets not fight about whose (or is it who's?) kids are smarter. Mine already win cuter so you can take smarter if you must.

OKay, so Morgan is very cute. I simply favor my kids above all other children, that's all.