I hurried and loaded Morgan into the wagon again. No time to rest or play if we were going to beat this storm. It took me over ten minutes to get there going quickly down hill. How long would it take to trudge up? At least I had my running shoes on. I envisioned what I would have to do if it started raining hard before we made it home. To protect my summery dressed son I would have to use my exercise mat to create a sort of covered wagon. I kept following the lightening strikes up the hill wishing that I had taken a stroller instead. It's easier to push a stroller up than it is to pull a wagon. I was getting closer and closer with no downpour yet. I might make it after all. Suddenly a strong wind hit. My slumped and forlorn shadow disappeared with the sun. But we were almost there. So I pushed on through the wind and flying dust, anxious to get my boy out of the cold. We finally made it home. The truck still blocked my driveway. I left Morgan in the wagon and ran inside to open the garage. When I got back out to Morgan and the wagon something was wrong. My brand new, never been used, fresh out of the package, exercise mat was no longer in the wagon. UGHH! How long had it been missing?! I looked all around and caught no sight of anything blue. I walked down our street and peered around the corner. Still nothing. I walked out of our little neighborhood and looked down the long street we walked up. I didn't see it anywhere. But there was a little curve up ahead. So I pulled Morgan down the street further, that just minutes before we were happy to escape. As I rounded the curve I finally saw it. It had been blown up to the median in the road, the curb blocking further progress. I walked swiftly down the middle of the road knowing that the wind could take it at any moment. Sure enough, when the mat thought we were too close for comfort, it sprang to life, leaping over the median, across the street and down the road. This mat is still so new that it's shape is rolled up into a scroll. Perfect for being blown down a hill. Perfect for rolling away from me. So I ran. I am not a runner, it gives me asthma attacks, but to rescue my mat I ran. With a wagon and toddler in tow. Fortunately there was no traffic on my side of the street, but I needed to get to the other side, so as soon as there was a break in the median I crossed. Actually, I had to wait for two cars to pass, losing precious time. The mat was blown out into the street right in front of one car that I almost ran out right in front of. So wreckless, this mat. The chase continued, the wind propelling us both onward, though doing much more for the mat that was winning this race. I was getting desperately tired and was losing faith. But lo! A hero in form of a repair man! Being downwind of the mat, he stopped it cold when it reached him, and pinned it to the curb. *Cue the victory trumpets* My chase was over! With nothing but thanks to offer my hero, I wedged the delinquent mat into to wagon and recommenced my climb to home. We still beat the rain.
I took the pictures on the walk back up, (while inside to open the garage I also grabbed the camera) and I took the pic of the truck blocking our driveway when we got home. About a half hour later the foreman of the construction in the neighborhood came to the door to apologize for the truck parking in my way and said he could make them move if I needed to go somewhere. I'm pretty sure that someone saw me take a picture and was worried that I was going to try to make trouble. :) Whew!
Sorry this was so long. Good on ya if you read it all!
Sounds like quite the adventure! It rained all weekend while we were in St. Anthony, I'll be happy if I never see it again.
Don't you love those days? At least you got your mat, it would have sucked to do all that running for nothing! Glad to hear that you are feeling better!
You are quite the story teller, my friend. :) At least you got some exercise in, right? ;)
Who needs a class when you can get real world exercise.
But your story makes me wonder, I don't think I've ever seen a video on parkour while towing a wagon.. It might start a new fad..."Parkour Moms".
Love, Dad Nelson
What a word picture you created! I laughed & laughed.
I love, it, great story!
side splitting material. I thought I'd be funny and make a comment about you getting exercise anyway... but apparently I'm not that original.
Did you ever find out why no one was at the church?
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