Sunday, May 4, 2008

At the park

We had one day of spring last week, so I took Morgan to a neighborhood park. The play equipment is really pretty good. Morgan had a blast. But he often complained that the surfaces were hot. Going down the slide he'd say, "hot! hot!" or climbing up the plastic steps. He liked older kids being there and would try to follow them around and play with them. He's a socialite.


Anonymous said...

Grandma, last week, moved to a new cubicle at work and now has more room. That means the "Morgan Shrine" has been put back up and today I printed off the "Morgan on a Tyrannasaur" photo so she can add it to the shrine.

Love, Dad Nelson

Anonymous said...

You better believe it. Mr. T-Rex is on the wall full size next to 1.) Morgan the lion, 2.) Morgan in Pacific surf, 3.) Morgan mouthing Melanie's blouse ribbon (age 6 weeks), 4.) Morgan in headphones.
I am however, gearing up for Morgan II by noticing all the pink girly things in dept stores. Lidia? Lydia?

Love, Jana

Melanie said...

Don't gear up for Lydia just yet. Next is another boy. He has no name.(I know this because of the pencil).