Monday, July 7, 2008

The Camping Chronicles: Muddy Morgan

Okay, so, remember the trough I wrote about? It seemed to have a leak or something and there was a spot next to it that was always muddy. Very muddy. We were worried that this would be a major temptation to the 5 kids under 5. But there was only one child to fall prey to it's enticements. That child was Morgan. We were alerted to his transgression when he started making noises of displeasure. You see, this mud was thick and sticky and he couldn't move. It was rather funny. Notice Morgan's distressed face in the first picture. That's how we found him. But when the adults converged upon him with cameras and laughter he was a bit amused himself. Which isn't good. We don't want him to think it's acceptable and funny to traipse through the mud.

So I unstuck him and stripped him of his sandals and shorts. All this happened before most people arrived. It was only us and Stephanie. And already Morgan is on his second outfit. Oy.
Oh! In the first picture, notice the plants in the background surrounding the trough? That is stinging nettle. It is all around the watering trough. We didn't know that that is what that plant was though for a long time. It took a person or two to get stung to find that out. One more reason to keep the clueless kids away from the water!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ooofda. Mud and stinging nettle ... the stuff of Boy Scout memories. Actually, if you get stung by stinging nettle you can take the mud and smear and rub it vigorously on the affected area. IT doens't really get rid of the oil but it removes the top layer of skin and you won't be able to spread the oil to other parts of your body as easily.

Love, dad Nelson