Sunday, July 13, 2008

Morgan's new vocabulary

Morgan talks a lot. One word he's recently picked up is Truck. He has also found a new love in the movie Shrek and requests it by name. These two words sound virtually identical coming from him. On both word he emits the R, and replaces the beginning letter with F. It seems when he says these words he shouts, and repeats them over and over. Perhaps he repeats most of what he says and we only notice it more when it sounds like he's cursing like a sailor.
He says something else too, that I haven't identified a meaning for. It sounds like the S word.
Aaron and I don't swear. I haven't heard Aaron cuss, nor has he heard me cuss, cause we don't. But it might appear to an outsider that we use very colorful language in front of our perceptive toddler. Oy.


Anonymous said...

This is funny, but only from a long distance here in Idaho. I'm sure I wouldn't find it funny at all in your living room or at church or in the presence of any trucks. Good luck with your speech pathology
And give yourselves big pats on the back for knowing at least your're not bad examples.


kura2025 said...

Morgan is so cute...hopefully he learns to enunciate soon...ish.
Thanks for the comment...I have friends who've said the same thing that they would have been in labor forever without the epidural. Trust me...I am more than open to drugging if it become unbearable!