Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Only a ham on his terms

The other day was pretty cold and wet, so I rejoiced that it was finally cold enough for me to put Morgan in one of his cute new outfits. It looked super cute on him. So I got out the camera and asked him to pose for me. Nope. Just a smile? Nuh-uh. He wouldn't even look towards me or stay standing up. He actually would escape. I tried a couple more times later that day, but he wouldn't do it!
I was changing his diaper and the idea came to me. I would take his picture while he stood on the changing table. He couldn't run away then, right? (I still use the changing table, even though Morgan is too big for it and we don't even have the cushiony pad anymore!)

But would he cooperate? No he would not. He's cute here, but you can't get the full effect of the outfit. (without the super cute jacket.)
Oh, and he STILL tried to run away! He's never gotten down by himself, so I thought he would just dangle and then get back up after chickening out. But I guess he thought the basket of dirty clothes, (and balloon? wha?) was a good landing, because...
Oops. And while he was there whimpering for my help I just took a picture. Rude Mommy!
Oh, and this is just cute.


Jana Lee Bumblebee said...

You know, I read other blogs featuring pictures of the writer's children and I think, "Nope. Morgan's still the cutest."

How did you ever catch this sequence as it happened? I loved his 'on the floor" dilemmna.

These blogs are worth a million to me, Melanie. I took several to Grandma Ison. She exclaimed and exclaimed over your dented Durango. Poor you guys. She hoped you are saving money for just such unexpected events.

jjertmann said...

Super cute, even without the jacket. I love jackets!

Stephanie said...

so the first time I looked at this, the middle picture of Morgan dangling was totally not showing. So it looked like he jumped off and I was astonished that you would allow it. Then I came back in to maybe scold you and suddenly saw the dangling Morgan picture and I was okay with that. It's okay if you let him drop, not if you let him jump. :D Hehe.

Arianne said...

Great action shots, he is SO cute!

By the way, I love your journal entries - so funny!! Reminds me of all my old embarrassing entries, maybe I'll get them out one of these days to have a good laugh.

Tiffany Hales said...

I am glad to hear i am not the only mean mommy, who puts getting pictures for the blog above the needs of the child! I mean you have to have priorities don't you? Seriously his new outfit is darling, even if he did not want to cooperate.